There are many fungi related sites, in addition there are a number of apps that can be downloaded to
help with field identification and they generally have reviews on the sites where they are available such
as the Google Play Store and the Apple App store.
British Mycolo-
gical Society
Amongst many things on this
site are a link to the fungal
records database (under the
‘Field Mycology’ tab and a list of
the currently accepted English
Names of species (under the
‘Library and Information’ tab)
Uni Waxcap Site
Lots of useful info about every-
one’s favourite fungi
First Nature
The web site that relates to Pat
O’Reilly’s excellent book, Fascin-
ated by Fungi. Includes back-
ground information and many
species descriptions.
Lots of interesting stuff on this
North American site and also
keys to many species
Index fungorum
This is the best way to find the
current Scientific Name of spe-
cies. Entering a Scientific name
in the ‘Search’ page will show
whether it has been superseded
or not.
MycoBank is an on-line data-
base documenting mycological
nomenclatural novelties (new
names and combinations) and
associated data, for example
descriptions and illustrations.
Tom Volk’s Fungi
From the Department of Botany
at University of Wisconsin,
basically a site for teaching
mycology but with some good
photos taken through a micro-